This is a fun video showing everyone what I get up to on my average day as a Rehabilitation Consultant, Business Owner, Business Coach and Mentor... hope you enjoy it! Please add your comments and thoughts below... … [Read more...]
How Do You Do Money?

As a business owner, I really needed to deal with my own baggage and attitudes around money. Working with Natalie Green really helped me to understand my money attitudes and their limitations to my business and my life. Natalie has generously agreed to share with the Business of 1 Community some of the keys you need to address your own money baggage. Let me know what comes up for you; has this article opened your eyes to your own attitudes regarding money? Jo After working with women from … [Read more...]
Why would I need a mentor? Part 2

A big thank you for the response I have received through personal messages following my last article. I really appreciate your ideas, thoughts and interaction. I was not surprised by the number of people who expressed that they are confused by the word mentor, and a shift that may be occurring in the perception and marketing of mentoring. In this article I want to explore want mentoring is further. Let’s cut through what we think we know, and look at some definitions. Now these definitions … [Read more...]
Why would I need a mentor? Part 1

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this article. This is a great question which was yet again posed to me recently; Why would I need a mentor? As you may be aware I have been providing formal mentoring services since 2009. And through that time, I’ve had many people, including allied health professionals, ask me to explain what a mentor is, and how to effectively work with a mentor. As allied health professionals, we are more familiar with supervision, especially clinical … [Read more...]
Why I love being self employed…..

Why I love being self employed……….. My decision to become a self employed Consultant arose from compelling desires in me to choose the type of work I wanted to do with greater flexibility and financial reward while at the same time making a big difference to the people I serve. To me, these desires can be summed up in one word – FREEDOM! I love consulting and I love mentoring. I love my consulting business and I love my mentoring business because they give me freedom. AND I LOVE being … [Read more...]
Marketing. It’s Easy – Simply Solve A Problem

As allied health and rehabilitation professionals, we are often asked to provide solution focused intervention. I don’t think we really spend a lot of time thinking about what that means; we simply get on with doing what we do best – making a difference in people’s lives by providing… that’s right – SOLUTIONS. ‘How does this relate to marketing?’ I hear you ask. Well, good question. It relates perfectly, because if you know how to offer a solution to a client, then you know how to market … [Read more...]
Virtual Assistant Role Flourishing In A Changing Workplace
Recent labour market research conducted by Purple Co in several Australian capitol cities has shown that Virtual Assistants (VA's) are flourishing not just in India or Philippines but all over Australia as well. As an example, you may be interested to know that there are 306 VA's listed on LinkedIn in the Melbourne area alone. We have found that the roles of Receptionist, Secretary, Personal Assistant and even Executive Assistant are being cut back in many companies. On the Australian … [Read more...]
How to Get Stuff Done
Creating Successful Behaviours and Habits Are your habits (the things you repeatedly do) serving you or holding you back? In order to reach our goals in business, and in life, we must become the person it takes to do the things we need to do in order to reach our goals. To ‘check-in’ as to whether or not we are conspiring for our own success ask yourself these questions 1. What things are you doing, that you should do LESS of? a. . b. . c. . 2. What things are you doing, … [Read more...]
My technology does not own me!
When did I become slaves to the tools and equipment that were supposed to be serving me? It’s been an interesting experiment again this week, where I have given myself permission to NOT look at a phone or be online while I have been en route somewhere. It’s been really really hard! Sitting still for 10 – 30 minutes without looking at my phone, checking emails, reviewing FaceBook, Linked In or blog post comments. Sitting still for 10-30 minutes and not talking on the phone. Sitting still … [Read more...]
Are you Talkin’ to me?
A previous post focused on the power of our words and communication. It exposed some of the simple things we can do to ensure that we communicate with the people around us in a way that is not only powerful, but effective. An interesting discussion then commenced between my husband and I about the power of our ‘self talk’. Now I have heard this phrase so many times; it’s a ‘coach/mentor/self help’ kind of phrase. In my reading, listening and seeking advice from mentors I have learned that my … [Read more...]