Re-Ignite: A new approach to job placement for people recovering from illness and injury

Re-Ignite brochure

I, like so many Rehabilitation Professionals was operating under a very wrong assumption.  You see I thought that the more senior a person was in the world of work, the higher they had climbed the corporate ladder, the more capable and knowledgeable they would be able to how to apply for a new role. How wrong I was! It wasn’t until I had been working with professional clients; Upper management level clients, and executive clients that I realised that a pattern was forming – the actual … [Read more...]

What it takes to help a Rehabilitation and RTW client, get a new job.


I’ve noticed a bit of a trend here at Purple Co.  We are starting to receive an increased number of referrals for clients who have been job seeking for many months - sometimes for years - without success.  And we are asked to review their job search strategy and help the client become successful in their application for a new job with a new employer.  In almost all cases, what we identify is that the client has very outdated job search tools and methods.  They haven’t been taught how to access … [Read more...]

The Purple Co Snap Shot – Here’s what we have been up to lately


Over the past 9 months we have been keeping busy with an incredible range of clients. We reported on our outcomes and the value we bring to the industry back in March, and I thought it was timely to update us all on what we have been focused on and how we have been making a difference to the lives of our clients. Over the past 3 months we have helped people living with: Mood disorders Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Multiple … [Read more...]

Not another Post about Planning?!

Blog pic 7 July

‘Planning is everything.  Plans are nothing’ Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke Action Plans, Rehab plans, RTW plans, prevocational plans, independent living plans, socialisation plans, living skills plans - the world of recovery rehabilitation and RTW is a planning nation. Who doesn't love a good plan? Estimating and planning are crucial to recovery and RTW success. How else do we take all the “needs” of all the “players” and help the client arrive at the end goal - the goal that meets … [Read more...]

Purple Co Through the Ages: 8 Years of Change


I still remember the moment I was on the phone to my Mum some 8 years ago when we were tossing around possible names for this new business. At the time I did not know that Purple Co was going to become the consulting service it is, nor did I understand the influence we would have. What Mum helped me to understand is that I loved people, and I really enjoyed helping people to reconnect to purpose. And so Purple Co was born: the Purpose for People Company. (Many people think that Purple Co is … [Read more...]

Let’s bring job seeking into the 21st Century


If you boil down all the different ways we can help our clients as Rehab and Return to Work Professionals, it comes down to one ultimate goal: help that person get back to work. Receiving a referral for job seeking support (i.e. help this client secure a new job) is commonplace. In fact, it's one of the core competencies that we, as rehabilitation counsellors, are required to develop as part of our profession. So if job seeking and placement is one of the core tenets of the rehab process, … [Read more...]

What Does It Really Mean to “Engage” A Rehab Client?


At Purple Co, we are often sent referral requests to “engage” a client in recovery, rehabilitation and RTW. Now, most of us hear that phrase and think – OK this means the client isn’t engaged, and that can mean a couple of things: -         The client is resistant to being engaged. -         The client is going to be difficult. -         The client has no understanding of what rehabilitation can offer. When the referral is coming from an insurer, an employer or a regulatory authority … [Read more...]

Are your habits interrupting your ability to do good rehab?


Having delivered training to Rehabilitation Consultants in this industry for many years, I continue to be amazed at the seemingly simple things that get missed in the pursuit of doing the job at hand. One of those things that appears to get missed is actually understanding the referral and what's really being asked of us as consultants. Things like... ·        Why is this person being referred? ·        What does this person know about why they are being referred? ·        What has … [Read more...]

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