Why Post Cancer Fatigue is Real – yet Invisible


Picking up from last week's introduction to the nuances of post-cancer fatigue, let's get more specific: What is happening when a person with post-cancer fatigue reports cognitive deficits? And why is this so hard to detect?  Cancer survivors often report cognitive symptoms such as difficulty concentrating or forgetfulness. And yet, the level of dysfunction that clients report is often more severe than what is detected in neuropsychological tests. And so we have a case where reported … [Read more...]

Working with Post-Cancer Fatigue


"Fatigue" is a controversial topic.  In the rehabilitation field, we are increasingly working with people who are grappling with the effects of primary fatigue or fatigue secondary to another illness. And it's the kind of thing that often gets swept under the rug or delegitimised, sometimes unknowingly, by the general public and even health professionals. Everybody seems to have their own opinions about fatigue, how to manage it, and whether it's even real, but for the people who … [Read more...]

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