I’m a Rehabilitation Counsellor of some 20 years – yep I’ve been around a long time! I have always worked in a compensable environment; not because it was necessarily a conscious decision, but one that was made because it’s where I could earn good money. I also have an innate sense of commercial acumen and for empowering people to take personal responsibility; so you can see compensable rehabilitation was always going to be a really good fit for me. Throughout the duration of my career, I … [Read more...]
Income Protection and Rehabilitation: Opportunities to use our “powers” for good
The Hidden Job Market is a Bunch of BS

http://wthomsonjr.com/august-2013/the-hidden-job-market-is-a-bunch-of-bs/ There has been a lot written about the job market lately. “The good jobs” aren’t posted anymore. Don’t apply to jobs on the Internet! Don’t bother putting your resume in an Applicant Tracking system. It will go into a “black hole”. As an advisor and a consultant, I want to tell you to NOT listen to these so called “job experts”. A friend of mine, and well -known HR expert, Doug Whatley, and I were having a … [Read more...]
Life After Cancer: Recovery and Returning to Work

source: http://www.swissre.com/clients/newsletters/Life_after_cancer__recovery_and_returning_to_work.html A changing outlook Advances in early detection and treatment for cancer have led to significant improvements in survival rates in recent years (Maddams et al, 2009). This is positive news for those affected by cancer but has placed a spotlight on the particular challenges facing cancer survivors in returning to "normal" life and in returning to work … [Read more...]
Supponaed as an Expert Witness? How to Cope in the Courtroom

Earlier this week, I interviewed Dr Natalie Green after she gave expert evidence in a court case that involved one of her clients. This is something that can strike terror in the heart of any Consultant with many more questions than answers as to how it will all go on the day. Thankfully, Natalie survived the proceeding and came out smiling. Find out how she not only got through the day but was crowned "expert of the week". Please add your comments and thoughts below... what answers can I … [Read more...]
Why would I need a mentor? Part 2

A big thank you for the response I have received through personal messages following my last article. I really appreciate your ideas, thoughts and interaction. I was not surprised by the number of people who expressed that they are confused by the word mentor, and a shift that may be occurring in the perception and marketing of mentoring. In this article I want to explore want mentoring is further. Let’s cut through what we think we know, and look at some definitions. Now these definitions … [Read more...]
Why would I need a mentor? Part 1

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this article. This is a great question which was yet again posed to me recently; Why would I need a mentor? As you may be aware I have been providing formal mentoring services since 2009. And through that time, I’ve had many people, including allied health professionals, ask me to explain what a mentor is, and how to effectively work with a mentor. As allied health professionals, we are more familiar with supervision, especially clinical … [Read more...]
Stress And The Effects On The Mind

In my career, I have had plenty of opportunities to think about and react to what I consider to be stress. The concept of stress is an interesting one, especially for those of us who work in a compensable environment where the word was removed and replaced by “psychological injury”. We all know that a certain amount of stress in our daily lives is perfectly normal and somewhat necessary to ensure we perform optimally at work, especially when we are faced with the decision making process. But … [Read more...]
Can I really INFLUENCE a NTD, GP or Treating Health Professional?
Have you ever stopped to consider that Rehabilitation Consultants have an incredible opportunity to INFLUENCE Medical and Treating Health Practitioners to help them to see the needs of their patients in the context of returning to work? Are you like me? I thought I had a great ability to get the information I needed from GP’s and Treating Health Professionals. It would always take me a long time; and it would mean I needed to organise case conferences very regularly but I got the … [Read more...]
How to get MORE from your GP, NTD and Treating Health Professional communication
Are you sick and tired of communication problems with GP’s, NTD’s and Treating Health Professionals? Are you frustrated that they cannot, or will, not answer the questions you need answered within reasonable time frames? So was I! Take a look at this short video. If you listen carefully you will find 3 specific strategies that will empower you to take control of all of your communication and achieve faster, more useful results with such communication. … [Read more...]
How to get clients jobs
One of the least favourite tasks of a Rehabilitation Consultant don't you think? Wow! Before I published this article, a heated discussion about the subject started after I shared it with a group of Consultants on Facebook. (to join the conversation go to https://www.facebook.com/PurpleCo). There are some strong opinions about this message. Well, I am guessing you already know that the best way NOT to help a client get a job is to treat job seeking as 'compliance management'. I guess … [Read more...]