You can step into any medium to large sized office in Western society and find a wide variety of personalities working there. The language may be different but you’re still bound to find the introvert who desperately tries to build a little exclusion barrier around themselves – especially from the office clown who has already sent the IT guys into fits of laughter by 9am. Norris down the hall has already ensured that there is enough coffee and biscuits in for the boardroom for a meeting about … [Read more...]
Job Seeking in Today’s Job Market
With more than 300 million users in over 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is significantly ahead of any of its rivals such as Vladeo (50 million) and XING (10 million) and it grows by approximately two new members every second. Four million of those users are in Australia alone. If we as Rehabilitation Professionals are not using LinkedIn to assist our job seekers, then we are not providing the type of assistance and service that they actually need. What job seeking clients need in … [Read more...]
Case Study: Finding the Carrot

This is a photo of two very happy rehabilitation consultants. Rachel Geraghty and I recently travelled to a regional town to progress a client’s move into paid employment. Our faces are full of joy, because as you will soon see, this was one of those clients for whom we didn’t think employment would be the outcome. This 34 year old man was referred to Purple Co in February 2015. He had been on an Income Protection claim since 2012. He was medically certified as partially fit, however, … [Read more...]