To the 6 Complete Strangers Who Compelled me to Take Action

Blog 27 Sept

I didn’t want to write this post.  But there are times when something impacts you so significantly that you know you have to write it, or speak it or show it.  This is one of those times. It is not my intention to trigger people or cause harm in writing this post.  If you experience strong emotions, please scroll to the bottom of this article where I have resources and help listed for you. As we were sharing some of our highlights and low- lights of the last 90 days, one woman full of … [Read more...]

So The SH%!T Has Happened. Now What?

Purple blog 6 Sept

If you are reading this blog, chances are you have some interest in money, wealth and financial security. We have this incredible opportunity here in Australia where we can actually insure ourselves, our income and our health.  You see insurance companies already know what we’re only just beginning to catch onto ourselves – that is our health is our wealth. Think about this for a moment – what happens for you when you think about not being able to work? Not in that “wishful thinking, … [Read more...]

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