Brain Injury and Social and Emotional Intelligence – implications for employability


This week is Brain Injury Awareness week #BIA2017.  We at Purple Co have been providing services to people who live with injuries to their brains, and the functional consequences of these injuries, since the company started in 2008.   What has been interesting for me, and for other Rehabilitation Professionals to acknowledge is how vastly different each experience of brain injury is.  This is so much more than a severity rating.  It’s the personal and psycho social implications of the types of … [Read more...]

Re-Ignite: A new approach to job placement for people recovering from illness and injury

Re-Ignite brochure

I, like so many Rehabilitation Professionals was operating under a very wrong assumption.  You see I thought that the more senior a person was in the world of work, the higher they had climbed the corporate ladder, the more capable and knowledgeable they would be able to how to apply for a new role. How wrong I was! It wasn’t until I had been working with professional clients; Upper management level clients, and executive clients that I realised that a pattern was forming – the actual … [Read more...]

What it takes to help a Rehabilitation and RTW client, get a new job.


I’ve noticed a bit of a trend here at Purple Co.  We are starting to receive an increased number of referrals for clients who have been job seeking for many months - sometimes for years - without success.  And we are asked to review their job search strategy and help the client become successful in their application for a new job with a new employer.  In almost all cases, what we identify is that the client has very outdated job search tools and methods.  They haven’t been taught how to access … [Read more...]

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