The Health Benefits of Work in Action: A Case Study


Continuing on from my post last week about the barriers to making the health benefits of work a reality, I wanted to explore what happens for our clients whenit is a reality. One of the unfortunate side effects of providing rehabilitation for our clients is that normally we're asked to cease our involvement after a person returns to work. This means that we rarely get to see the positive effect that being back at work can have on a person's life. However myself and my team are lucky enough … [Read more...]

Making The Health Benefits of Work a Reality


So... we've all heard a lot about the health benefits of work in recently, haven't we? As Rehabilitation Professionals, this isn't new information to us. We're all about helping our clients utilise good work as a tool to improved function and recovery. But... we all know that the "health benefits of work" isn't exactly an easy thing to implement. It does require a big change to get everyone on board with this new mindset and to actually implement it in a meaningful way that results in … [Read more...]

What’s The Deal with Chronic Pain?


Guest post by Natalie Taylor, Rehabilitation Counsellor at Purple Co. So here's a can of worms: what's happening for a person with chronic pain? I had the opportunity to attend a chronic pain recovery workshop this weekend at NeurRa (Neuroscience Australia) facilitated by Prof. Kevin Vowles. For most of his career, Dr Vowles has been researching  how we can help people with chronic pain get their lives back. There was one fundamental truth that kept presenting itself to me over the … [Read more...]

Why Post Cancer Fatigue is Real – yet Invisible


Picking up from last week's introduction to the nuances of post-cancer fatigue, let's get more specific: What is happening when a person with post-cancer fatigue reports cognitive deficits? And why is this so hard to detect?  Cancer survivors often report cognitive symptoms such as difficulty concentrating or forgetfulness. And yet, the level of dysfunction that clients report is often more severe than what is detected in neuropsychological tests. And so we have a case where reported … [Read more...]

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