Supponaed as an Expert Witness? How to Cope in the Courtroom

Dr Natalie Green

Earlier this week, I interviewed Dr Natalie Green after she gave expert evidence in a court case that involved one of her clients. This is something that can strike terror in the heart of any Consultant with many more questions than answers as to how it will all go on the day. Thankfully, Natalie survived the proceeding and came out smiling. Find out how she not only got through the day but was crowned "expert of the week". Please add your comments and thoughts below... what answers can I … [Read more...]

Are you trying to keep up with rehabilitation legislative changes

Are you like me - your to be read pile is almost as long as your to do list? Does your recommended reading get done when you need a procrastination strategy? OR, does it wait until you made a bit of a boo boo at work because you weren't up to date ( that's embarrassing huh!) Well here you go, some new changes have been made to the SRC Act that came into effect as of 7 Dec 2011. I thought these were kind of important and would be a helpful thing to know..... so straight from the Comcare … [Read more...]

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